secularavatar: <strong>Gnome Chomsky</strong>
Friday, April 07, 2006
  Gnome Chomsky
I am opposed and have been opposed for many years, in fact,
I’ve probably been the leading opponent for years of the
campaign for divestment from Israel and of the campaign
about academic boycotts.

-- Noam Chomsky

Paracelsus said of old
The gnomic race do dwell below
Earth’s surface where on guard they stand
O’er treasures dear to them, and grand

Stubborn, cunning they won't budge
One inch from guarding, they begrudge
Attempts to breach their vigilance,
Their hyper state of fixed defense

Their weakness though, a ray of sun
The Aten’s fingers they do shun
If just one shaft's upon them shone
Directly they turn into stone

Behold our modern leftist Gnome!
Progressive author! Countless tomes!
Clever, adamant sentry he
The treasure safe, his guarantee

Gnome's Wall constructed 'round the prize
Israel safe from blaming eyes
From guilt or culpability
Zionists remain rap-free

Apache 'copters? US-made
Americans promptly obeyed
By Zionist pilots taking orders
From DC their true headquarters

Pilots of those F-16s?
Doesn’t matter, it’s routine
Americans do call the shots
They’re masterminds and don’t get caught

Israel Lobby? Ain't no such thing!
Your imagination's taken wing
Stop your whining, cease your cryin'
You been readin' Elders of Zion?

Your critiques will all be improper
Your efforts will all come a cropper
They must be directed at DC
America the only guilty party

(Didn’t we hear that one before?
Back in nineteen forty-four?
When Allies crossed the German borders
The cry went up: "I followed orders!")

Thus sayeth Gnome, alert on guard
By US lefties he's adored
With gnomic, steady, tough deflection
Israel earns his true protection

If you ask him, "What’s with that?"
Retort contemptuous comes straight at
you from behind his groupie shield
Safe from critics Gnome is sealed

Lo! Comes Jeff and Jim and Noah brave
Fearless paladins all, they've
Wielded sun-ray'd lances twain
Faulty gnomic logic slain

'Tis but little but 'tis a start
Timid lefties must take heart
Unsheath their tongues, their logic too
Zionist force-fields to subdue

These fields are found most everywhere
Where leftists gather, few do dare
To challenge Gnome and Zionism
It's time to start to breach that chasm

Show some spine, your courage stout
Consistency's what it's about
Principles? You can't be mute
Zionism = Racism, there's no dispute
I love your poems, found them on PoeticInjustice, where I have a few posted too. Thanks for writing and sharing them.
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The secularavatar is a progressive activist grandmother from the Middle West who spent many years studying and travelling in the Middle East.

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