secularavatar: <strong>John Calvin explains Zionist genocide in Palestine</strong>
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
  John Calvin explains Zionist genocide in Palestine
Poor Dan is wondering why the West yawns and looks the other way while the Zionist entity carries out its slow but sure genocide in Gaza and now Lebanon.

Let us listen to John Calvin explicate why the Judeo-Protestant world in particular -- including most damnably the so-called progressives and peace movements among them -- remains mute in the face of these ongoing war crimes:

The indiscriminate and promiscuous slaughter [of Joshua in Jericho], making no distinction of age or sex, but including alike women and children, the aged and decrepit, may seem an inhuman massacre, had it not been executed by the command of God. But as he, in whose hands are life and death, had justly doomed those nations to destruction, this puts an end to all discussion. We may add, that they had been borne with for four hundred years, until their iniquity was complete. Who will now presume to complain of excessive rigor, after God had so long delayed to execute judgment? If any one object that children, at least, were still free from fault, it is easy to answer, that they perished justly, as the race was accursed and reprobated. Here then it ought always to be remembered, that it would have been barbarous and atrocious cruelty had the Israelites gratified their own lust and rage, in slaughtering mothers and their children, but that they are justly praised for their active piety and holy zeal, in executing the command of God, who was pleased in this way to purge the land of Canaan of the foul and loathsome defilements by which it had long been polluted.
-- John Calvin Commentaries, c. 1533
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